Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #7486

      Jessica Bell
      Cricket Contest

      Here is Mew snuggling my son. She is the sweetest beardie. We adopted her from not the best environment

    • #7519


      Good for you, rescuing Mew. What is the origin of her name? Thor, perhaps?

      • #7522

        Jessica Bell

        Mew is the name of my son’s favorite Pokemon 🤪

        • #7526


          Got it! I should have known. Where did you rescue here from? No names, just in general.

        • #7528

          Jessica Bell

          She was my son’s class pet. Teacher asked us if we wanted her since my son really bonded with her. We had no clue how to care for them, but once she came to us we learned from research that she did not have what she needed at all.

        • #7531


          I’ve noticed that some teachers take the time to do the research, and some just wing it. It’s a shame, and they mean well, but I wish more teachers would put in the effort to learn beforehand. Sort of modeling good behavior for their students, if you get my drift. Since you are a good researcher, but a bit new at this, don’t forget to read my care guide for beardies on this site.

          Is Mew now a permanent addition to your home? No need to return her to the classroom, I presume.

        • #7533

          Jessica Bell

          Oh yes, she is here to stay. My son is very attached. My son is Autistic and has a special bond with her. She seems to calm him down and is his friend who will never reject him. We love her!

        • #7534


          That’s excellent news! You won’t regret it.

          You may wonder at my unusual moderator name that I go by on this forum. It is from my book “Zoodulcis: Our Fascination with Animals” that deals with a number of different topics concerning the importance of the human-animal bond to human well-being. The benefits for adults and children with ASD are mentioned, although the treatment is not exhaustive, by any means. If interested, you can find it on Amazon.

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