Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #6586

      Cricket Contest

      Hi my name is chunks! Why do I have this name? Because I eat ALOT. My parents were going to buy me from the pet store but ended up adopting me instead because I am missing some toes, but it doesn’t slow me down at all! You can see my skin shedding well thats because I AM GROWING so fast, probably because I eat so much. I LOVE CRICKETS and some fruits/veggies.

    • #6622


      Gobble em’ up Chunks! You are lucky to be adopted. I am not a fan of big box pet stores, because their animals seldom get proper care. Do your new folks dust your crickets to make sure your bones stay strong and straight?

      • #6625


        We sure do! I am not a fan of them either but if they are not getting proper care there its best somebody save them! And we came to chunks rescue!

        • #6654


          Many forum members have gotten their animals from a big box store. As long as they get them for free, then the new owners and the pets are the winners and the store is the loser. Works for me!

    • #6630


      wow that looks great

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