Topics Forums Chameleons Cricket Contest

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    • #6523

      Lindsay Bork -Tubbs
      Cricket Contest

      Pascal’s Social Distancing Plan

    • #6529


      I have to admit, this really made me laugh out loud. I hope you are posting this on Instagram. How long have you had Pascal and do you take him out for a stretch every day?

      • #6542

        Lindsay Bork -Tubbs

        He is 5 months old and he loves stretching his legs. We have multiple habitats throughout our home and he is pretty exploratory. He also loves people, which I’m told is unusual for Chameleons. Here is a photo of today’s world domination plotting.

        • #6549


          Once again LOL. He must be a real joy, not to mention a total crack-up and much needed comic relief in these trying times. I have never owned a chameleon myself, but friends and other keepers on this forum have mentioned that chameleons are not nearly as social with humans as bearded dragons and certain other reptiles. Every so often someone posts that their chammie is uber-friendly. It would seem as though there is quite a bit of variation in temperament. I assume you have had him since he was just a little Pascal?

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