Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket contest – March 2020 Winner!

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    • #5871

      Dayan Miller
      Cricket contest – March 2020 Winner!

      Hello I am migi which stands for right hand in japanese my owner dayan named me migi because I am his right hand man I would love to win some free crickets I am fairly young about 5 months and am still growing I need lots of crickets that’s why I am entering the contest to help my owner dayan out because I am his right hand man so I want to help him on feeding me lots of food I love crickets a lot and also enjoy my veggies aswell I would appreciate the help this letter is written by yours truly migi the lizard

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Dayan Miller.
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by CritterDepot.
    • #5877

      Litzy Miller

      MIGI is a unique name (: !

    • #5878


      Looks healthy

    • #5884


      Migi you are quite lovely. What sort of color morph are you?

      • #5886

        Dayan Miller

        I was sold as a fancy beardie but am shedding right now so let’s see if my colors get brighter this is me the first day dayan got me

        • #5892


          I see now! Still, you are quite handsome even if your colors don’t brighten. How long have you been Dayan’s right-hand man?

        • #5893

          Dayan Miller

          Exactly 3 months and 7 days counting today

        • #5894


          Happy un-birthday! How many crickets do you eat each month?

        • #5895

          Dayan Miller

          I can eat 250 crickets in about 6 days I eat lots and I eat all my veggies so probably 1000 a month

        • #5905


          No wonder you are such a healthy-looking boy! Does your guy Dayan gut load all of your crickets?

        • #5907

          Dayan Miller

          Yes he does he uses flukers cricket quencher and flukers high calcium cricket diet with some fruits and some greens aswell for them I also have some good news I started to shed yesterday I seem a bit irritated but still have the energy to chase my red runner roaches they run pretty fast but I’m faster

        • #5910


          Shedding is always a challenging time. But you will feel so much better when it’s over! Dayan is really on the cricket gut-loading action. Sounds like he really loves you. I bet he enjoys watching you snag those roaches. How many of those does he give you each week?

        • #5911

          Dayan Miller

          They are new to me this is his first order of 250 of them but he gives me around 40 a day and a side of greens for later he placed an order of 1000 crickets so when I have no more roaches I can eat some crickets

        • #5913


          Wow! Dayan really knows how to stock up for you! That’s very smart and you are lucky to have him.

          Does he take you out to play with him everyday?

        • #5915

          Dayan Miller

          He doesnt but I will make him start taking me out at least 20 min a day to play after I am done shedding

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Dayan Miller.
          • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Dayan Miller.
        • #5919

          Dayan Miller

          Thanks for reminding me I will start taking migi out to play more often

        • #5926


          As soon as he is done shedding. He looks like he has every reason to be cranky right now, but soon he will feel like a new beardie!

    • #6034


      Dayan & Migi – congratulations! You are this month’s winner for a year supply of free feeders! Be on the lookout for an email that contains your coupon code. This code can be used 12 times. Thanks for sharing!

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