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    • #5850

      Cricket Contest

      Erza my Ackie monitor trying to give me gaming tips

    • #5857


      Are his/her tips any good?

      How long have you had Erza and did it take very long to hand-tame him?

      • #5876


        I think she was pretending to know how to play so I could pay attention to her lol but she did her best. I’ve had Erza and her other 2 siblings for 9 months now. Tbh she kinda just hand tamed herself, a few months back I was doing some cleaning in there cage and she just decided to climb up my arm and hang out, I think it just depends on there personality. Her brother Spyro doesn’t crawl up me but he has no problem letting me pick him up and he loves hanging out also. Now there other sister is different she doesn’t want no attention and she is willing to bite if picked up, she will grow out of it tho, just like my oldest female ackie Dracarys who is not from there clutch of eggs, is slowly growing out of that I don’t wanna be handled stage and I’ve had her for 11 months now. So all together I have 4 amazing Red Ackies all with different but amazing personalities.

        • #5888


          Such different behavior in siblings is truly fascinating. Do you breed them regularly? What got you started with these guys?

        • #5890


          I haven’t started trying to breed yet they are still young, my oldest will be a year in April and my trio will be a year old towards the end of June. I got them from there breeders 3-4 weeks after birth. I’m hoping next year or maybe the end of this year I will start trying. I got started with ackies because how cool they look with there spiked tails and there colors look really amazing not to mention there size, it’s way easier to keep a few small ackies then a few 4-6 foot monitors lol also there intelligence and understanding of what’s around them is just fascinating to watch.

        • #5891


          I started with ackies but someday I hope to work with all species of dwarf monitors mostly the ones from Australia but if the future is good I would love to work with all dwarf species of monitors.

        • #5896


          Monitors are considered by most keepers and many scientists to be the most intelligent of lizard species. What other dwarf monitors are on your wish list?

        • #5898


          I really wanna get a few kimberly rock monitors and pilbara rock monitors those would probably be next I also like the black headed monitors, king’s rock monitors, pygmy mulgas and idk if the Mertens water monitor is considered dwarf but they are smaller and I would love some of them one day lol also the blue,green,black, and yellow tree monitors.

        • #5906


          It sounds like you plan to get into this professionally. Do you have business strategy with monitor breeding or is this just going to be a long term passionate hobby?

        • #5920


          Just a long term Passionate hobby working with small monitors

        • #5925


          It sounds like a great deal of fun, and really interesting. When do you think you will acquire another one? Are these monitors expensive where you live?

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