Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket contest

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    • #4818

      Cricket contest

      This is Chessie! My beautiful beardie, life hasn’t always been great for her but it’s getting better. I got her from a Big chain pet store she had a broken tail and lots of others didn’t want her. In fact I came in the store for another reason and fell for her immediately. We started with a 20 gallon tank as a home and now have a 75 gallon with heat lamps and timers the and auto temperature controls so she stays nice and warm. As for fun she rides on her sister the dogs back around the house and chases crickets around her tank. She now has a family with two adults and two little girls that love her dearly. Please help her chase some crickets and win this contest. Thanks

    • #4825


      Chessie is a beauty and she is certainly lucky to have a family who loves her. Elsewhere in this blog and also within my reptile care guides, you can find references to MHO on big chain pet stores. Not a fan.

      How old is Chessie now?

    • #4827


      Not sure on her age I will post a picture of when I got her though. I am thinking around a year or so old by her size.

    • #4829


      Here is a recent picture of Chessie with Fox the cat saying Hi

      • #4831


        Such a cute photo!

      • #4839


        That’s a great picture!!!!

    • #4835


      Are you sure Fox is just saying hi? Although there is one forum member who has a cat and beardie who sleep together regularly and are the very best of friends, Fox does have a somewhat intense expression. Not sure I would allow them to play without supervision for a while yet!

    • #4836


      Fox watches her eat all the time and is very interested in her but I don’t trust him with Chessie. Although the photo is super cute.

    • #4858

      John D Mason

      sent you a credit hope it helps. I own Buddy changing channels. I had a bad experience with a chain. I am glad doing better. Mine actually died. Buddy is doing great and is a Leather Back which means will get bigger than a normal dragon. He is still young and I wish you well

    • #4864


      Thanks, she loves her crickets and is doing very well. I couldn’t leave her at the store. I have a lot of fish and breed fish so I’ll go in from time to time to pick up discounted tanks or fish that were given up. I know how bad those stores can be. Chessie will be very happy for the rest of her life.

      • #4865

        John D Mason

        🙂 good deal!! I spent a fortune to save the one that died. Vet bills shots etc. died in my arms and the same day she died My mom felt bad for me and went and got Buddy and OMG. He eats all the time and shedding. So I went from hard and sad to happy between the 2 dif dragons. I did all I could though to save the other. Have a great day and feel free to stop by and say hi and I would appreciate a credit but he is up to 1k crickets and 1k super worms but every little bit helps I am on disability. Oh by the way the woman who pops in zoodulcis…moderator is very awesome and she knows her stuff.

    • #4886


      Ill vote for anyone that saves a lizard from a big box chain.

    • #4888


      Good morning John and Bill,

      I am going to weigh in on something and take a stand on this topic, something I rarely do. I believe that serious pet lovers should never, ever, purchase an animal from a big box store. This is not a true rescue situation, and as long as money changes hands, it promotes and perpetuates an abusive system. A purchase from a reputable breeder, or a rescue on Craigslist, FB etc. is a different matter. Take the situation in Tennessee at a Petsmart. Serious criminal neglect of animals in the store was unearthed by PETA. I don’t like a lot of things PETA does, but kudos to them on this one. Three store managers were arrested.

      PETA said managers at the Bellevue store were “observed repeatedly refusing to provide sick, injured and dying animals with veterinary care in order to ‘keep costs down’ so they would receive bonuses.” The organization said a supervisor ordered staff not to tell customers that PetSmart buys animals from a Georgia company put on probation by that state’s agriculture department following a PETA investigation in 2010.

    • #4889


      I understand and I didn’t pay for her. I adopted her. She had a broken tail and according to this store’s policy she was not sellable. So no money was exchanged. I am a believer in supporting local breeders and stores but sometimes I check a local big box store because I know people drop off unwanted fish all the time there and I usually take them. I have a lot of experience in the fish hobby and current have 14 tanks up and running for fish.

      • #4893


        Thats awesome most places put small animals down if they cant sell them. I am glade you were able to get this little one.

    • #4890


      Oh now that is brilliant! I have seen so many forum members ‘rescue’ an animal from a pet store by paying full price for it that I have become alarmed at this mentality. In your case, you have the system beat, and that is wonderful.

    • #4995


      Come on everyone let’s keep the comments coming!!! Vote for Chessie for the strong finish. She is licking her lips for some crickets. I promise to keep the love going next month. Chessie’s proud dad Jason

      • #5414



    • #5034


      Go Chessie Go! Go, Fight, Win! Yeah Chessie!!

      • #5423


        Shes pretty mate

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