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    • #2185

      Cricket Contest Vlad

      This is Vlad. Vlad is a gentle giant that doesn’t at all live up to her scary name. Her favorite snacks include crickets and dubia roaches.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Arachnigirl.
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Arachnigirl. Reason: pics too big
    • #2201


      love the blue highlights.  Is this a cobalt blue?  I’ve never handled one, but hear they can be a defensive species.

      • #2230


        She’s an A. avicularia. Much calmer species. I’ve not ever heard of anyone getting bitten by this species…I mean, I’m sure its happened but I think its probably rare. I have 18 tarantulas (17 different species) and this is the calmest, most docile of them all. She will stretch her legs out one by one and let me brush the fur with a soft paintbrush…She’s just so cool. Most of my other tarantulas I would never even attempt to hold or So if you are ever thinking of getting a tarantula…This is a great one to have!!

        • #2233


          wow, that’s a lot of tarantulas!  what got you into tarantulas?  Do you ever show them off at trade shows?  Are they all terrestrial or arboreal?  I can’t wrap my head around this, 18 lol

        • #2257


          Lol… My family thinks I’m crazy. I was terrified of spiders but my little girl was obsessed with bugs, so for her birthday she begged and begged my mom for a tarantula, my mom didn’t know she hadn’t mentioned it to me so she bought her one… Well, after seeing how amazing it was, watching it groom and molt and do spider things I realized I wasn’t scared anymore. I decided I loved them. I have arboreal and terrestrials. It’s really fun setting up the enclosures and learning all about each species. 🙂

        • #2258


          Oh and I haven’t taken them to trade shows but I have taken them to the education center and talked to kids about them. 🙂

    • #2207


      Is she easy to handle?  Does she ever flick hairs?

      • #2229


        She is an Avicularia avicularia. She doesn’t flick hairs but she could if she wanted. She’s super easy to handle. She will walk right out of her enclosure and onto my arm. If I want her to walk or move all I have to do is tough her booty and she will start walking. Thankfully she’s super calm. I have another one named Kricket that jumps and spooks easy so I don’t hold him.

    • #2228



    • #2242


      Is Kricket also an Aa?  If so, do you think the difference in personality has anything to do with gender?

      • #2259


        Yes, he is. I bet you’re right! I would imagine being a boy would make them a bit more jumpy and nervous considering female tarantulas often eat the males after they mate(unless they are fast enough to get away) … Not funny, but funny because that actually makes sense. 🙂 I never even thought of that!

    • #2262


      LOL!  I bet your hypothesis is right about the reason for his nervousness. That would make anybody anxious!  Do you think you will ever (cautiously) try to introduce them to each other in hopes of little tarantulas someday?

      • #2279


        I don’t think so… Mainly because they have so many in the egg sack and if they all survive and don’t sell I’d be up to my neck in tarantulas. My daughter wants to breed them but I’m iffy about it. I love them but I’ve already got enclosures everywhere.. I don’t think my house is big enough for anymore!

          <li style=”text-align: left;”>P. S my carabina versicolor molted a week ago and came out today for her first feeding since the molt. I took a pic to show you how beautiful this one is. She’s still young, so she’ll only get even more beautiful as she matures.
    • #2285


      She is lovely.  How long until her next molt and even brighter coloration?

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