Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #1750

      Cricket Contest

      These little beardies are jst a few months old. Rock’s, Crusher and Spaz

    • #1755


      Very practical idea for providing a bathtub.  Are they all males?  Brothers?

    • #1759


      Brothers and sisters. Not sure the sex of them yet because they are to young to tell. There were 2 other ones in the tank as well but they were up on a log on the other side of the tank lol It was out big female’s 2nd clutch. She laid 20 eggs. 4 of which that were not fertile, leaving us with 16 eggs. Unfortunately only 5 survived. It was my 1st time ever incubating reptile eggs. We lost our big girls 1st clutch because I didn’t have a set up made for her to lay her eggs yet. I thought I had more time. I came home from work to find that she had laid her eggs all over her cage !! Anyways the babies are about 2-3 months now. They were born June 17th =)

      • #1831


        That’s awesome! They look healthy. I like the rocks in the tub idea a lot. Are you going to continue breeding?

    • #1833


      Ya they really seems to like it too 😁 I usually have to clean it out twice a day lol No I don’t have any intention on breading. I plan on keeping the ones I have and that’s it =)

    • #1834


      Keeping that many beardies clean and healthy can become a full-time job and it sounds like you already have one.  We would love to see how they progress and what gender they are when the time comes to be able to figure that out.

    • #1838


      You got that right. Maybe now you and others can understand why I wld love to win the free crickets for a year. It wld help out tremendously! I wld love to keep you all updated on their progress 🥰

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