Topics Forums Chameleons Cricket Contest

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    • #1504

      Cricket Contest

      Entering this picture, he is the second veiled I have rescued. This guys owners gave him up, and lucky for him they did because he didn’t even have a uvb light 🙁

      He is doing amazing and loves his crickets!!

      Poor Georgie, the first rescue is jealous now!! He was returned to a pet shop after the owners said he was sick. Thankfully the pet shop has an amazing vet who was able to save him! He has 4 broken bones on 3 legs. After some much needed vet care I took him in. He is doing good now and is even back into a screen cage that is tall (he had to be kept in a toat for a while because he couldn’t climb and was falling). He has made a full recovery.


      Both of these would love some free crickets (ok,ok, they dont care if they’re free or not! Lol)

    • #1523


      This is both an uplifting and a harrowing tale of abuse and neglect.  Your care and concern are uplifting, as for the harrowing bit, that’s pretty obvious.  How do you suppose the earlier rescue got 4 broken bones in 3 legs.  A fall from a great height?  A dog mauling?

    • #1524


      I really have no clue, I  dont think it was a dog mailing though. My guess is someone probably bought it for their kids who wanted to play with it. That’s just my guess, someone didn’t know anything about chameleons and just got their kid what they wanted.


      Either way the poor guy is lucky, the pet shop thought he was going to have to be put down.

    • #1526


      People sure can be *&&*^&*O*IY.  These guys are both lucky to have you.  Georgie is the first one, and this one’s name is??

    • #1536


      Thank you for the kind words.

      We haven’t had him long, and I always have a hard time naming lol. I’ve been calling him Chammy but open to name ideas for him!

    • #1538


      Maybe consider calling him Rocky because he is a fighter and a survivor 😉

    • #1540


      Hey, I love that idea!! Thank you! I think that’s what I’m going to use  because it is very fitting.

    • #1547


      Glad i could make a helpful suggestion!

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