<p style=”text-align: left;”>This is Godzilla, our beautiful male veiled chameleon. He is still young, but growing fast and healthy. His big sister Camille lives in the cage next to him. They share a mister and love their crickets, waxworks, and mealworms . My four boys absolutely love our chame’s. They are gentle, active but slow-moving, and kid-friendly. I’m not an expert but quickly becoming a proud chameleon owner.</p>
Congratulations on developing that chamo pride! These guys are completely adorable. Now, a silly question, I assume that since they are brother and sister that they will never be allowed to cohabitat together? Will you be provided each of them a spouse one day?
We are not looking to raise more at this point so we had not planned on breeding our chams. We only figured out their sex after we got them, and just happened to be a boy and a girl. But it would be a great educational opportunity for my kids. If we decide to and find any takers then I will keep you posted!