Topics Forums Chameleons Cricket Contest!

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    • #28675

      Cricket Contest!

      This handsome guy is Rexxar! He is a one year old Veiled Chameleon. He’s a very feisty guy who is picky about who he let’s touch him. His favorite past time is watching out the window and spying on his Leopard Gecko brother and group of Anole siblings. If they’re getting fed, he does his best to come over and snatch the food with his tongue before they can get it. 😛

      Please help us win the Cricket contest! This year we almost had to rehome this guy and a few of his siblings, because we fell on hard times. (That’s why I’ve been gone from this site for a while, no internet)
      Thankfully we are slowing coming out of it, but winning would help speed that up and ensure this guy and some of his siblings can stay in the home they’ve always known and the great care they’ve always had. Thank you!

    • #28693


      It’s good to see Rexxar again and I’m glad things worked out. You have some cuteness competition this month, so if you really want to win, you need to get friends and family to log in and give you a critter gold.

      • #28700


        I know! There are a lot of adorable pets recently.

        • #28707


          Good to hear from you AB! Some of these pics have so much ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…’ value they should be on Facebook, if they aren’t already.

    • #28893


      He has some beautiful colors. I would love to see some pics of your leopard gecko and anoles. Growing up my sister had an anole. I have a 19 year old leopard gecko. Her name is Hiss.

      • #29536


        Thank you. He wasn’t even flared up here believe it or not. He surprises me with how bright he can get. I only have an anole an house gecko pic on this device. I’ll add leopard gecko pic when I can log on other deceive with majority of picks on it. If it’ll let me add them, sometimes it won’t. Regardless if size.

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