Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #1143

      Cricket Contest

      Toothless the Night Fury and Toothless the Beardie (yes, part of his tail is missing!) gazing out at the wild outdoors.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by avernatter.
    • #1146


      OMG, this is a great pic!  Toothless is yearning for those wild and crazy delights in the great beyond that is beyond the screen.  Little does he know that it’s a jungle out there!  How long have you had him?

      • #1150


        He loves watching out the window. I know he’d love to be outside, but I cant find a harness that I can keep on him…he slips out! And I don’t trust him on my shoulder bc he has no fear and will just jump off.

    • #1149


      I have had him for about 3 years. Our son was into How to train your Dragon when we got him, and about 1/3 of his tail had been amputated, so my son named him. It was a perfect fit!

    • #1153


      I can understand not putting him outside unrestrained.  My friend lost a nice green iguana that way.  You may have tried this already, but there are sellers of reptile harnesses on Etsy, of all places, that have adjustables.  They are more custom than what you can find in a pet store so maybe they have or can make something to fit his unique dimensions securely.  He looks pretty hardy despite his amputated situation.  Does he have a super chill personality?

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