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    • #1102

      Cricket Contest

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>So hi to Henrietta. She was an amazing Father’s Day gift and quickly became a loved member of our family. We took this picture so that when she’s grown I can show to her and say “look how small you used to be.” My favorite part of having her is how much my kids love her even though their first reaction was “eww.” Now every cute head tilt or sleep position produces and “ahh, she’s so cute!”</p>

    • #1104


      From ewwww to ahhh….always a satisfying change in one’s kids!  How old is Henrietta now?  Did you get her on this last Father’s Day?

      • #1115


        It was just this last Father’s Day. She’s still a baby, though her personality seems to grow daily.

    • #1116


      I love it that you used the word ‘personality’.  People who have never owned alternative pets find that idea really hard to believe.  I even have visitors to my small farm who have a tough time understanding that my individual goats have individual personalities.  Some like sweets, some hate them, some are afraid of stepping in mud, others could not care less, some are affectionate and funny, others sardonic, etc.  Many people express amazement and will say “why, they’re a lot like dogs, aren’t they”!

      What is your little girl doing exactly that illustrates a behavioral change toward personality and away from baby reptile brain?

      • #1117


        When I stop her from running under the couch or other furniture she looks at me like “Seriously? Stop it.” I may be reading into it, but that’s sure what it looks like to me. And she used to just not eat something she didn’t like. Now, if I’m anywhere near, she looks straight at me after touching the bell pepper with her tongue. She can’t stand bell pepper. I just feel like she’s saying “How dare you?” It’s all the little things that mostly have to do with facial expressions and head tilts.

    • #1118


      These sound like reasonable indications that she has progressed quite satisfactorily in her training of you.  She sounds intelligent, talented, and manipulative.  All good qualities!  Personality galore.

      So….if she hates bell peppers, you are feeding them to her why? 😉

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