Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest!!!!!

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    • #78627

      Cricket Contest!!!!!

      This is Biscuit. My 6 year old Bearded Dragon. She is gorgeous and we love her very much. She has the attitude of a grown woman, wish I could upload a video or 2 for you to see. She is not fat! She’s just hefty, due to being gravid and even though the eggs aren’t fertilized she needs the extra nutrients as carrying eggs can still take a toll on her body. Please, vote and give a gold apple to my baby, Biscuit. She loves critters and I would love to win a supply of them. Thank you!

    • #78679


      Wow, what a beautiful, thick girl! Lol. I got a few chonkers, cannot even say it’s because they’re gravid, they just like to eat. haha.

      • #78790


        Lol. I completely understand. Biscuit is the same way. I have to hand feed her veggies and sometimes she even waits to open her mouth until she sees me take a bite of it. She is something else! Idk if you ever tasted raw mustard greens, but they are spicy, lol….Learned that by tasting her food.

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