Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #63478

      Cricket Contest

      Left is Fossil! Right is Venom! I love my beardies! Fossil prefers crickets daily and Venom prefers roaches. They eat so much.

    • #63498


      These tanks look great, I love they layout. How old are they and how long have you had them?

      Do you know the dimensions of each side? Sometimes when you split a tank like that it looks like way more space than it is after all the items are placed inside. (Also hard to tell from a picture, so please take this in a way of sharing info and not insult or insinuation) I build my own enclosures and/or split/attach tanks like this as well, so been there! If you got them from a good breeder you trust, please share their info!

      Attached is a picture of the inside of my chameleon enclosure (and cham lol) I made from scratch. Looks like we have similar realistic looking taste.

      • #63555


        I didn’t get them from a breeder. I’ve had Fossil since last November and Venom since December. I don’t know the dimensions but it is a 75 gallon aquarium that I split in half so I would venture to say they have about 37 inches across on each side. Working on getting different aquarium’s but haven’t got to it yet.

        • #63567


          I think that’s a great idea. I wasn’t meaning it in a way that you weren’t doing your best. It looks great, really. I know how much time something like that takes. I just know how much room we think we have once we split a tank then how much were actually left with. I learned that the hard way. Lol.

          Looks like you may even have a strip light for uv? Which is recommend over the bulb/spiral ones in the dome fixtures. Those usually aren’t a very high output and end up causing impacting their growth and bones. Though they are fine temporarily, of course. Very pretty set up and welcome to the forum. Hope you are a frequent!

    • #63519


      This is an awesome setup. I can see Fossil, but no Venom, only an old sock. 🤣

      Do you take these guys out regularly?

      • #63530


        Haha. I didnt see that. Venom is in the hammock in the upper right hand corner.

      • #63556


        Yes they are taken out a few times daily! Thanks it has taken me quite some time to get their setup complete. Working on getting separate aquarium’s now. I had to split them up and then figured out Venom is a girl. Thanks for commenting on my setup and thinking it’s awesome!

        • #63617


          Oh I mean she looks about 8 months old, since you now know she is indeed a she.

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