Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket contest

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    • #62513

      Cricket contest

      This is Lilly she’s another rescue but I found her on morph market the company that was selling her said she had nothing wrong with her but she has a little overbite and she looks like she has bone issues but she’s a good girl and we love her anyway

    • #62590


      Do you think she may be in the early stages of MBD? That would be a shame, but she may be young enough to reverse the effects if she is given proper diet and lighting.

      • #62773


        Yes I think she is I’ve taken her to a vet and they put her on a special diet to help her but they said she will have trouble eating and will always have the over bite but she’s really sweet and I think the overbite kinda and character makes her more adorable

        • #62786


          It does give her a bit of character in the face. Will she need to be on a special diet all her life to accomodate the jaw alignment, or at maturity will she be eating the typical beardie diet of veggies and bugs?

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