Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest

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    • #62296

      Cricket Contest

      This is Charlie, named after Charlie Weasley in the Harry Potter series. Charlie enjoys chasing laser pointers and basking in his favorite spot. He is still growing, so when it’s dinner time, he will let you know. He sits at the front of the terrarium and scratches the glass until you feed him. I’ve had Charlie for a little over a month, and I’m enjoying this experience as a first-time beardie parent. I’ll keep posting pictures as he grows.

    • #62316


      Charlie worked with dragons in Romania, correct? Cute name. What made you decide to own a beardie for the first time?

      • #62409


        Charlie Weasley does work with dragons, so I thought it was appropriate, and it matches the names of my other pets. I’ve always been interested in exotic pets and reptiles, and I heard that bearded dragons were very personable. Their setup was fair easy besides the space requirement, so I felt that a beardie would be a good fit for me.

        • #62456


          I’m sort of a Potterphile, so I heartily approve of the name! What happens if Charlie turns out to be a girl?

        • #62479


          Oh, me too! Anything fantasy is my thing. They Do have a game show that’s a lot of fun to watch. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses on Hulu. You may like it. Love the name and story behind it too! I loved the little mini dragon versions.

        • #62506


          Oh awesome tip, AB. I will try to tune in and see what its all about.

        • #62555


          Hey, I’ve recently taken in 2 budgies as rescues, so I joined a very good budgie forum to confirm my albino as male, since I wasn’t 100% sure.

          The point of my message is though, they don’t allow normal members (only moderators) to give advice to any questions posted, regardless if they know the answer or not. It made me realize that I may have stepped on your toes a time or two, unintentionally. If I’ve ever done so, I wish to apologize now and say that wasn’t my intention. I just love helping and sharing anything I may know that’ll help. Just as you do, I assume. 😊

        • #62588


          It’s interesting that other forums limit the advice sharing to moderators only. I find your input to be kind and useful. If I disagree with it, I will likely express that difference of opinion respectfully. But so far, I find your input to be considered and helpful, and a boon to the forum in general, so no worries.

          Budgies huh, my daughter is into those and she just loves them. I’m sure you know how important it is not to cook with non-stick pans now that those guys are in the house. Correct?

        • #62603


          Well I appreciate that. I enjoy it here, Im aware you disagree openly if you have a better input, which I like. Just wanted to make sure I hadn’t came off in the wrong way, because I genuinely enjoy talking with you all here.

          But yeah, it’s called talk budgies, it really is a great place for advice and knowing all you need to know. But I wasn’t aware they kept advice to moderators until I let someone know their bird was not suffocating, just adjusting it’s crop. Haha. I have not heard about the cookware, so thank you. The birds are on the 3rd level of the house though so I’m not sure if that’s still too close. Kitchen is on 1st floor. I think only a few pans here are non-stick though. I have owned birds before but that was over 10 years ago, they know a lot more about good husbandry now. Ask me anything about reptiles or mammals, I’ll probably know it. Birds, I MIGHT know it or a tiny bit on it. I know their care requirements but that’s mainly it. Not anything new that’s been learned in the last 10 years, I’m refreshing and learning all the new stuff now. It sure is nice to have them in the house again though.

        • #62642


          Here’s the message I got. Lol. I have no issue with the way they do things, just caught me by surprise. Most forums do not have that rule so I didn’t expect it or I wouldn’t have given advice. I only comment if I’m sure I know at least a little of the answer and admit when I am unsure, so just struck me as odd. To each their own though.

        • #62687


          My goodness! Brief and to the point, yet polite. Alrighty then, no advice given on their forum, but here it’s fine, with the proviso I may offer corrections when needed.

        • #62692


          Right, they had an issue in the past with new people giving out incorrect advice. But I appreciate how things are done here. Makes it more of a community feeling. I’m always learning too, so I’m always open to any corrections/suggestions.

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