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    • #61976

      Cricket Contest

      πŸ‘½ Take me to your feeders πŸ¦—πŸΈπŸ‘½

    • #62027


      Greetings Earthlings!! This space invader seems positively ‘bug eyed’ at the prospect of some crickets. How old is this hefty dude?

      • #62079


        He’s going on eight years old! I’ve had him since he was a baby!

        • #62085


          That’s awesome. Lots of folks get these guys when they are young and think they will be a low maintenance pet, and then things go badly wrong and they die before they reach maturity. So congratulations and kudos to you and your family for getting this fellow/gal to a ripe old age. Name of this large entity?

        • #62104


          I was thinking the same thing. It even looks like they wear rubber gloves when they hold him/her too. Love that since frogs and toads can absorb any chemicals, soaps, etc from your skin.

        • #62140


          I do! Unfortunately I didn’t for the first few years of his life as I was a bit ignorant. I’m glad I wised up, for his sake and for mine as I would absolutely devastated if I were to losing due to such a thing

        • #62139


          It is really really nice hearing that; all my friends and family know how much I care about him and that I’ve had him for a long time but they don’t really understand just how much care and research I’ve put in to care for my big guy. His name is Clyde! I named him after Eric Cartman’s stuffed frog, Clyde frog! I was going on 19 when I got him πŸ˜‚

        • #62144


          Haha, we all get it here. We’ve all made mistakes with our pets, they’re learning new care info everyday. What matters is that you put in the work to give him the best life possible. Seems like you’re doing awesome too.

    • #62208


      What species of frog is this by the way? I was thinking American bullfrog by the picture of him younger on your finger, but the way he looks now looks quite different. He’s actually kinda pretty in my opinion. Great, vibrant colors and skin moist as it should be.

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