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    • #59345

      Cricket contest

      Just got new crickets today! My Firebolt is about 5 months old now and eating a ton of insects. I need to set up a bi-weekly ordering schedule. I have noticed that I never find dead ones when I get them from critter depot. However, if I have to get a small amount from the local pet store, I am picking out dead ones daily. Do you feel there are enough food sources in the pic for 1000 crickets? I am afraid they are eating each other so I placed the food everywhere. Would love some GOLD!!

    • #59399


      Not sure if the first comment was received. Looks like they have plenty of variety and moisture, but I can’t tell about protein. If they don’t have adequate protein, they may chow on each other, even if otherwise well fed. Soy granules or a cricket quencher gel with protein added should help that if needed.

      • #59418


        Thanks for your reply,
        There are two bowls in the habitat. One has cricket feed from the pet store and the other has gut load from critter depot. They both have protein in them.. I also sometimes add the orange cubes and water granules from the pet store. I try to change it up a little between all. I don’t think they like the orange cubes very much but I had bought them first before finding critter depot that I don’t want to waste them. I at least want them to be happy before they are fed to my pet. Thanks for your words, and always open for more feedback.

        • #59429


          Sounds like you have a good system. The only thing I could recommend at this point is age classes. Crickets who are all of the same age don’t tend toward cannibalism. Younger/older groupings together have problems with the oldsters eating the youngsters. Gross, I know, but that’s how nature rolls sometimes. Otherwise, I think your setup rocks and is producing the sort of feeder insects that will make your Firebolt totally crazed with happiness.

    • #59419


      Here is our Firebolt. Still too small for his leash but takes a cute pic.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Anarosa54.
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