Topics Forums Chameleons Cricket Contest 🦎

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    • #2932

      Jessica Garbis
      Cricket Contest 🦎

      This is waffle! My make veiled chameleon. He loves crickets 🙂

    • #2940


      He looks like he is saying ‘feed me’! How long have you had him?

      • #2943

        Jessica Garbis

        Haha! He’s only been in my care a couple weeks and holy crap he never stops eating 😂

      • #2944

        Jessica Garbis

        We think he’s about 7 months old or so, he’s definitely got a huge personality. He’s a fun, sometimes grumpy little dude. We love him

        • #2946


          So he’s still a growing boy. They can eat a surprising amount of food. Are you faithfully gut-loading all of his crickets?

        • #2947

          Jessica Garbis

          Yep! Both him AND his crickets are very spoiled ☺️

        • #2948


          that’s an awesome looking habitat. How big is it? can you share some pics of the enclosure?

        • #2952

          Jessica Garbis

          Thanks! I’m at work right now, but he’s in his recently upgraded 2x2x4ft. He came to me from a friend who got him from someone who had him in one of those too-small cheap chameleon kits, and way too skinny, so these last two weeks I’ve been upgrading everything and it’s been really fun seeing his attitude improve with his surroundings!

        • #2961


          So in a way, he is a rescue. Good for you for taking him on. He may grow to be less grumpy in time, given improved care and a better environment. Is he your
          first chameleon?

        • #2963

          Jessica Garbis

          He’s definitely opened up a bit in the short time I’ve had him. He’s not my first, I had a Jackson’s a few years ago!

        • #2964


          All chameleons are pretty intriguing. So why the name Waffle?

        • #2965

          Jessica Garbis

          We really wanted to give him a Stranger Things related name, so in honor of Eggos we thought waffle was fitting 😂🧇

        • #2978


          I take it you are a Stranger Things fan. Cool. How did his need for a new home come to your attention?

        • #2979

          Jessica Garbis

          My friend called me out of the blue and said she just picked up a chameleon from someone who was moving away and caring for it was too overwhelming for her since she’s never had one before. I’m glad I took the opportunity because he really needed some improvements. Here he is with his gorgeous pajamas on last night 😍

        • #2981


          It may be a coincidence, but he really looks like he is trying to imitate the foliage around him. He really is quite colorful. Nice habitat, by the way, looks like you went all out for him. How often do you take him out of his lovely abode?

        • #2982

          Jessica Garbis

          Unfortunately he is one of the veiled chameleons that notoriously doesn’t really like to be touched. I’ve taken him out just a few times while cleaning and upgrading and whatnot and he always rushes to get back inside. He’s one of those “leave me alone” chameleons

        • #2983


          Well, perhaps in time he will get a little more comfortable with it, but I doubt he will ever leap into your arms. Will you be acquiring a friend for him, or will he be a bachelor all of his days

        • #2984

          Jessica Garbis

          Nope he will be a Lone Ranger! Very solitude focused lizards, lol! But that just means all the spoils go to him, livin the good life

        • #2985


          Too Right!!

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