Topics Forums Chameleons Cham with Tude!!!!

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    • #6092

      Cham with Tude!!!!

      My Chameleon Rasta is a riot. Every time I feed him he gives me this look (like in the pic) then makes a bee-line towards me while snarling at me the entire time. When he gets close to me he immediately reaches out and walks right on to my arm. It’s like he wants to get attention but at the same time he is snarling and puffing up. It’s totally hilarious. Here is a picture of him just before he comes crawling to me!!!

    • #6187


      OMG Rasta is really good at mixed signals! And this photo captures it perfectly. How old is he and does he seem to like handling at all when there is not food involved?

      • #6334


        Hi Zoodulcis, Rasta is a year and a half old. He has two brothers, each have their own enclosure set up right next to each other. Rasta is by far the most entertaining of the three brothers. Rasta typically will make a bee-line to the opening of his enclosure anytime it is opened. He is very sneaky too – if I’m not paying attention, he will crawl out of the enclosure and will be making his way over to his brother’s enclosures to get them all worked up. He is super fast too!!! Another thing he does sometimes is when we play music, he will start rocking back and forth like he is dancing. I is a total riot to watch!!!!

        • #6357


          A fast chameleon! Isn’t that an oxymoron? You have got to make a video of his dance routine sometime. Talk about cheering people up. And we could all use it these days.

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