Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Crickets Contest

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    • #69162

      Crickets Contest

      Friends forever.

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by dragonfruitcc.
    • #69221


      I’m guessing the black, fury friend isn’t a parent lol Impressive clutch of beardies! Do you bread them, or did you buy them from a breeder you would recommend?

      • #69277


        I breed them myself. The cat “Franke” Loves them like her own. Frankie has helped me with babysitting for the last 15 years. She and her brother Cow love the parents so much.. The dragons can sit on them and sleep. Thank you for your comment.

        • #69471


          Ah that’s amazing! I know cats have an instinctual prey drive. So that’s great to hear that Frankie and Cow are so nice to them. How long have you been breeding? Do you have a website? We like to endorse local breeders cover pet stores because of better health for the dragons.

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