Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Bella and Iggy

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    • #9369

      Cassie Pelton
      Bella and Iggy

      Our newest addition to our family is iggy and bella who we rescued as the tiniest little things in such poor health. Their bro/sis didnt make it through the first night but these babies are doing great!

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Cassie Pelton.
    • #9398


      Good for you with the rescue. Sorry about the other little ones, sort of heartbreaking. Did they come from the same place as Annie?

      • #9399

        Cassie Pelton

        I actually got Annie from our local pet store. Someone had relinquished her and another after they could not care for them anymore. After a month they put her on the floor and of course nobody wanted her, full grown, lumps growing on her, and her skin was so dirty looking. I held her one time and knew I was taking her home!

        • #9447


          Lumps growing on her skin!! Do you now know what it was? You are a truly decent human being for giving her a home.

      • #9400

        Cassie Pelton

        An ex client of mine called me about 3 baby dragons, half dead, living in a Tupperware container, inside of a storage tote with a LAMP!!!! 😥 of course I took them, only gave me these 2 at first then that night called saying the 3rd was barely alive but it was and it needed help. She was afraid I would report her what it boiled down to. He died in his sleep the first night, sadly he suffered badly. And i was devastated.

        • #9448


          Oh yikes, I hate to say it, but said former client sounds like a douche bag. Unfortunately there are lots of them out there. Clueless. That must have been hard on you to have that last beardie die on you like that. I have a friend in small mammal rescue, and she has had some heartbreaking experiences. But she keeps at it with the attitude ‘you can’t save them all.’ But you can save some, and that is the whole point.

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