This is known as their “feeding frequency.” And this is pretty easy to define. Basically, all bearded dragons will need to be fed daily. But the question of how much to feed them depends on their age, and their life stage.
A young bearded dragon will need to a diet of about 80% insects and 20% fruits and vegatables. The fat and protein from the crickets and superworms will ensure the baby bearded dragon gets the proper nutrition to grow large and healthy.
But, once the bearded dragon matures, you’ll want to reverse those percentages, and offer 20% insects, and 80% fruits and vegetables.
But the amount you offer will depend on the season. If they are brumating, or if they’re shedding, you’ll want to reduce the amount offered. These natural cycles can reduce your pets appetite, which could leave excess food living or decaying inside his home. And that won’t make for a nice living environment. So do make sure to be up to date on your beloved beardie’s feeding schedule.
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