Baby Pacman wont eat nightcrawlers
The past few days i’ve been working on tong feeding with my baby, it was going well when I was trying with crickets, but when I decided to try nightcrawlers, he would not take it from the tong. He even started turning a full circle to get away from the worm, its now been since Sunday since he ate, which was just a cricket that he took straight off the tongs. Yesterday when I tried he wouldn’t eat the worm, and then he wouldn’t eat the cricket which I tried to give him after he wouldn’t take the worm. Why won’t he eat the worms? Should I just keep persisting with it?
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Definitely give up on the worms for now and try again in a couple of weeks.
Also, if these are genuine nightcrawlers and not feed quality earthworms, they are toxic and should never be fed to him anyway.
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