Topics Forums Frogs – Pixies, Pacmans, & More! Baby pacman not pooping

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    • #28703


      Hi, I’ve had my Pacman for about 2 months now, and he’s been in great care and was doing everything normal until about 2 weeks ago. The temp in his cage dropped even though it was about 80 degrees in there it is now in the 73-75 range. That’s another issue, but anyways he has not pooped for 3 weeks. I am very concerned I’ve given him one honey bath this week and a warm water bath as well, none of that worked. Is he going to die? I am so worried. And is there anything I can do to help him? I wouldn’t see a reason why he would be impacted since I just have eco earth and no moss, and I haven’t even given crickets for a few weeks.

      (also this is the same rosalina, I forgot my old password lol)

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Rosalina.
    • #28706


      Three weeks is certainly cause for concern. Be sure not to stop the honey baths. One is not enough. Most members have reported success after 3 or 4 baths, giving their frog one per day. The cage temperature may be partially responsible, and you should do your best to get it back up. The lower temperature may be signaling to his metabolic system to slow down.

      • #28708


        yeah, I am trying to get the temps back up, i’ve tried plugging the mats just by themselves, but it only brought it up a couple degrees. I’ve had the best of luck with draping a blanket over the back of the cage an the one side covering both the mats (i make sure there is still light going in) would that many honey baths be of concern? I saw some people said it might be. Also one more question, should I do the honey bath in his water bowl so he can leave if he’s uncomfortable or should I do it in a tall plastic container

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Rosalina.
        • #28710


          Not sure about the concerns with too many honey baths. I can relay that several members have had excellent results with 3-4. Perhaps there is a downside, but I have not seen it reported. I recommend a plastic container at this point, so that he is unable to hop out. He will need continuous exposure to the honey water for 15 minutes at least each session.

        • #28711


          ok thanks Ill keep you updated.

        • #28722


          He pooped!

        • #28736


          Excellent crappy news, pun intended. So what did the trick?

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