Topics Forums Frogs – Pixies, Pacmans, & More! Baby Pacman fully burrowing!

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    • #28405

      Rosalina Mangino

      For the past few days, my baby pac has been fully burrowed! Up to his eys. He hasn’t done this since monday. His temperatures are just right sitting around 77-80 degrees, his humidity is usually always 60-80 and he’s mostly eating and pooping normally, so why is he burrowing deep down? It scares me sometimes because he is just at the bottom of his substrate touching the bottom of the tank. I’ve been moving him out of his burrow to feed, but other than that should I leave him down there? Is he going into hibernation and if so how do I stop him from that? I am a pretty anxious person so I’m not sure if this might just be me being too cautious.

    • #28412


      Rosalina, you are so cute. Can you recall the old nursery rhyme about the lost sheep where the conclusion is ‘leave them alone, and they’ll come home, wagging their tails behind them?’ Really old rhyme from a time when sheep’s tails were not docked. But in this case, the adage makes sense. It seems as though all is really well with your pet. Now you get to be patient and not fuss. The only measure to take at this point is to make sure that any undertank heating is not too much. Don’t change the heat, just put a hand towel on top of any heating pads. This both disperses and slightly lowers the heat a bit.

      • #28415

        Rosalina Mangino

        Thank you so much for all your help, i really appreciate it. 🙂 I will try that, I’ve only got heating on the sides of my tank

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