Topics Forums Bearded Dragons Cricket Contest. Another new Beardie.

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    • #4745

      Craig Bean
      Cricket Contest. Another new Beardie.

      I run a non-profit bearded dragon rescue. This is Ink. He is another new addition that I got about 6 days ago. This little guy has really come along way. He was never really handled. The back story on this handsome little devil is, His previous owner had him for about 6 months. But he joined the Army and his family was afraid of him. (Who could be afraid of that face.) He called me and asked me to go get him and try to find him a new home. We currently working with him to settle him down a bit. He is another one that loves to bite. (Only one that has ever succeeded at biting me. But he is too cute to hold it against him.)
      Now he loves to be handled. I walk into the room and he waits for me to put my hand into his terrarium. So he can climb up my arm and perch up onto my shoulder. He loves to ride on my shoulder as I do my daily chores in the reptile room. He will be a hard one to let go when it comes time to re-home him.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Craig Bean.
    • #4750


      Well he is a cutey. The family was afraid of him! That is too bad, but what are you gonna do. I think he will make a good companion animal one day. Especially with those colors!

    • #4752

      Craig Bean

      I always try and adopt out all my rescues if I can find a fitting home for them. I think this handsome little guy will go fast when he is ready to go. I am fairly strict with who I let adopt from me. I never adopt to first-time bearded dragon owners. Quite a few have lead to them being rescued again, as I keep close tabs on all of them. I still get updates on Beardies I adopted out 6 or 7 years ago.

    • #4755


      Good for you! I think that is a smart policy. You probably came by that rule the hard way, and got back animals not in as good condition as when then left your care. Do you have an example of this you would care to share?

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