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I love your philosophy!! And although you have a plig situation with this family (making a Utah joke here, where I worked and taught college classes for quite some time) I think your sensitivity to captive bred vs. wild caught is admirable.

Tip on winning the monthly cricket contest…don’t depend on other forum members to see you across the finish line. Share stories and information with them, you betcha, but really, you are all in competition with each other. If you are determined to win, get your friends and family to log on and give you a critter gold. Do you belong to a reptile fancier’s society? Then get them involved. It seems to take around 35 to win. A lot, I know, but by gum, someone manages to pull it off every month for the last 3 months. Maybe on lockdown, they’re friendas had nothing better to do! Anyway, that is my advice, get your friends excited by your plans and get them to go online for skink-tacular breeding support, with plenty of crickets to make it work!

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