Reply To: Gecko Concerns (New Owner!)
Topics › Forums › Leopard Geckos › Gecko Concerns (New Owner!) › Reply To: Gecko Concerns (New Owner!)
June 2, 2020 at 12:02 am
Dakota Kirk
I don’t have a leopard gecko, but I do have a baby bearded dragon and a crested gecko. Around the first week I got my beardie, I noticed he started acting strangely and very similar to what you described: no interest in food, glass surfing, irritability when handled – which was very out of the ordinary for him too. However, I found out that he was just getting ready to shed, and once he finished was back to normal. I saw the same pattern later on with my crestie. This could be what is happening with your leopard gecko, although I would definitely get a second opinion. Hope this helps!
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