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I think she was pretending to know how to play so I could pay attention to her lol but she did her best. I’ve had Erza and her other 2 siblings for 9 months now. Tbh she kinda just hand tamed herself, a few months back I was doing some cleaning in there cage and she just decided to climb up my arm and hang out, I think it just depends on there personality. Her brother Spyro doesn’t crawl up me but he has no problem letting me pick him up and he loves hanging out also. Now there other sister is different she doesn’t want no attention and she is willing to bite if picked up, she will grow out of it tho, just like my oldest female ackie Dracarys who is not from there clutch of eggs, is slowly growing out of that I don’t wanna be handled stage and I’ve had her for 11 months now. So all together I have 4 amazing Red Ackies all with different but amazing personalities.

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