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Thank you! I try hard to make these things stimulating for them. And No, its fahrenheit. The large number you see is humidity (hadnt sprayed yet), the smaller one to the right of it says 74. And its just his lower level temp. I have another up higher with a probe that shows the basking and higher level temp. It is usually between 82-87 since he’s a juvenile. Ill raise it a little as he ages.

We got him as a gift to my fiance for his birthday. Was gonna get a Jackson’s he fell in love with at a closing pet shop, but as we got there someone had just bought him. So I went to another shop for supplies and got Rexxar. Usually I only get supplies from pet shops, but this little guy was not in the best cage set-up, and since we were looking for a Cham anyway, we went ahead and got him. Not my shinning moment as a reptile owner who doesnt always agree with how reptiles are kept/cared for at pet shops. lol

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